Bachpan se chutiya kate jaa raha hai
Kya? Matlab bachpan se chutiya kate jaa raha hai? meme

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Bachpan se chutiya kate jaa raha hai video
Hindi version
क्या? मतलब बचपन से चूतिया कटे जा रहा है?
The "Bachpan se chutiya kate jaa raha hai" meme originates from a stand-up comedy skit by Abhishek Upmanyu on YouTube. In the skit, Abhishek humorously reflects on a realization he had about the stars in the sky. He learns that the stars we see are actually already dead, which leads him to exclaim that he has been lied to all his life. This meme is commonly used when someone discovers that they have been doing something the wrong way or have been deceived for a long time. It captures the feeling of shock and disbelief that comes with the realization that one's understanding or perception has been incorrect.
*Learns that santa does not exist*
Kya?! matlab bachpan se chutiya kate jaa raha hai?
This meme is from A stand up comedy skit by Abhishek upmanyu on youtube titled "ABHISHEK UPMANYU |Friends, Crime, & The Cosmos | Stand-Up Comedy by Abhishek". The clip is from time 00:14:32:18 - 00:14:41:06 and the still version is from 00:14:39:16.