Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai
Hypocrisy ki seema hoti hai

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Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai video
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The "Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai" meme originated from a speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During the speech, he recounted an incident where he and the Chief Minister of Bihar were having lunch with the then-Prime Minister. Interestingly, the Chief Minister refrained from eating because he believed that the cameras were recording their every move. This incident serves as a perfect example of hypocrisy, as the Chief Minister's behavior contradicted his usual actions.
The meme template featuring this statement is commonly used to highlight and call out someone's double or hypocritical behavior. It serves as a humorous way to point out the inconsistency between what a person says and what they actually do. By using this meme, individuals can effectively convey their frustration or disappointment towards someone who claims to uphold certain values or principles but fails to act accordingly. It serves as a reminder that even those in positions of power or authority are not immune to hypocrisy, and it encourages people to remain vigilant and critical of others' actions.
Jab class monitor mujhse li chocolate khaane lag jaaye:
Bhaii! Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai!
This meme is from the a speech given by PM Narendra Modi at a Hunkaar rally, Patna bihar in Febraury 2013. The clip is from time 00:19:55:13 - 00:20:00:06 and the still version is from 00:19:58:14.