Is sajjan ko kya takleef hai
Iss sajjan ko kya takleef hai bhai

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Is sajjan ko kya takleef hai video
Hindi version
इस सज्जन को क्या तकलीफ है भाई?
The meme "Is sajjan ko kya takleef hai" originates from a speech given by Modiji during a rally in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. In this particular incident, Modiji noticed the large crowd and the ensuing chaos, prompting him to address the situation and request everyone to remain calm. To emphasize his point, he singled out an individual from the audience and inquired about their problem, using this meme template as a way to politely highlight someone who may be causing a disturbance. This meme serves as a lighthearted reminder to address nuisances in a courteous manner, encouraging individuals to identify and address any issues that may be disrupting the peace or harmony of a particular setting.
Class monitors trying to calm the class down:
Them: Inn sajjan ko kya takleef hai bhai!
This meme is from the a speech given by PM Narendra Modi at a public rally in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh in Febraury 2017. The clip is from time 00:18:16:00 - 00:18:24:04 and the still version is from 00:18:19:13.